Thursday, September 30, 2010

There has to be a better way...part 1

Not only am I sick of being sick, but I am so often saddened by the stories of so many others that are suffering with health issues too! Tho I do believe that modern medicine has it's benefits and place. I also believe that far too often doctor's today just throw prescriptions at us without ever really getting at the root of the problem, pain or illness that brought us to their office in the first place. Yes there are times when medication is absolutely necessary and beneficial, but often there are other times when it is not. Not to mention so often I have seen and experienced in my own life that the medication prescribed comes with serious side effects! Often times these side effects are worse then the problem or illness it was prescribed for! This just doesn't make any sense to me. There has to be a better way! I remember as a young girl growing up in the 70's, medications were not so easily approved by the FDA. They weren't allowed on the market until proven safe and effective! I will never forget when not too long ago I was watching tv one evening, when a commercial came on for a medication to cure toe nail fungus. It even had a funny looking fungus monster character in the ad.. I think he was called Digger..Does anyone remember it? Anyhow it told us to take this pill and the toe nail fungus would be gone! Yay, right? Wrong! At the very end of this same commercial spoken quickly and written even smaller at the bottom of the screen was a list of potentially serious side effects. One of them being lymphoma!!! Are you kidding me?? Sure you can get rid of that ugly yellow toe nail fungus, but hey it might just give you cancer to do it!!! I was stunned! How can they even put that out on the market? Well it's simple really..the drug companies make billions of dollars every year off of our illnesses..So why would they cure you completely? That would just be bad for business. And what's really scary is some of the top C.E.O's of these major drug companies are also on the board of the FDA!! Clearly that is a huge conflict of interest right there. And should be illegal!! Of course they'd approve a drug they stand to make billions on! Look at it this way, if these major drug companies found a cure for say cancer, all cancer. They would lose billions of billions of dollars. And if people stopped getting sick, they would go out of business, along with that not all but a lot of hospitals and doctors would lose money too! Again I am not saying that all modern medicine is bad. That's not true. If you get in a car accident you do need medical attention to stabilize the body for healing, set that broken leg for example. But there has to be a better balance between modern medicine and natural healing. Just look at how many children today are diagnosed ADHD, often without even a through and proper screening to make certain that is indeed the case. Then these children are prescribed medications, which often carry serious side effects too..Does anyone remember Dennis the Menace? Well today he'd be labeled and medicated! I have to wonder how many of these children truly have ADHD? Or how many were simply medicated because parents and teachers just didn't want to deal with a rambuctous and imaginative active child. And yes there are children who are truly ADHD. I am not saying there isn't..What I am saying is too often the prescription is given out far too easily and quickly! Yes there are good doctors out there who truly care for their patients and take the time to diagnose and help their patients. But I see more and more that these doctors are harder and harder to find. To often we are rushed in and out of our doctor's office in lightening speed, with a handful of prescriptions we may not always need, and the sole purpose is to simply deal with our symptoms not the cause.. Too often these rushed doctors go for the quick fix, instead of taking the time to truly know and heal the patient. And to be fair it is not just the doctor's fault. With the state of health insurance, malpractice insurance, costs and patient overload..the blame doesn't lie entirely on them. I personally am tired of it all. I am tired of having prescriptions thrust into my hands and rushed out the door with no answers or hope. I am tired of taking these medications only to have little or no relief or benefit to my health. I am tired of dealing with medications that are supposed to help but instead bombard my body with horrible side effects and still no cure or relief! I believe there has to be a better way! There has to be a better balance between modern medicine and healthy living..And I am going to begin my own personal journey to try and find it..